Spencer, Oklahoma Street Address Records

Review all property records on any street in Spencer, OK for a description of their property type, lot size, incident histories and address details including a list of residents with phone numbers.

4598 properties found in Spencer, OK Learn more about real estate prices, residents and much more at RadioAwards Address Directory.

Street starts with:

37 streets starting with 1..9 found

Street Properties Residents
24TH ST 7 21
25TH ST 41 158
26TH ST 33 131
28TH ST 55 247
30TH ST 11 38
32ND ST 4 8
33RD CIR 13 55
33RD CT 11 41
33RD ST 75 332
34TH PL 41 134
34TH ST 79 266
35TH ST 14 58
36TH ST 136 567
37TH ST 28 87
38TH ST 39 110
39TH ST 48 173
40TH ST 14 48
41ST ST 41 123
42ND ST 11 37
43RD ST 38 113
44TH ST 8 20
45TH ST 61 209
46TH ST 79 256
47TH ST 18 96
48TH ST 10 31
50TH ST 154 555
51ST ST 16 51
52ND ST 42 151
53RD ST 17 64
54TH ST 24 103
55TH ST 18 27
57TH ST 15 41
59TH ST 21 76
62ND ST 9 18
63RD ST 63 201
73RD ST 3 10
Street starts with: