Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio Street Address Records

Review all property records on any street in Cuyahoga Falls, OH for a description of their property type, lot size, incident histories and address details including a list of residents with phone numbers.

51124 properties found in Cuyahoga Falls, OH Learn more about real estate prices, residents and much more at RadioAwards Address Directory.

Street starts with:

29 streets starting with 1..9 found

Street Properties Residents
2ND ST 231 3,320
3RD ST 231 1,704
4TH CT 12 51
4TH ST 177 1,501
5TH CT 6 21
5TH ST 47 275
6TH ST 264 1,486
7TH ST 335 1,834
8TH ST 367 1,817
9TH CT 29 124
9TH ST 334 1,699
10TH ST 258 1,385
11TH ST 262 1,384
12TH ST 210 1,073
13TH ST 206 1,128
14TH ST 193 1,046
15TH ST 136 672
16TH ST 191 1,140
17TH ST 186 1,045
18TH ST 166 871
19TH ST 148 816
20TH ST 100 841
21ST ST 141 1,015
23RD ST 168 1,133
24TH ST 109 632
25TH ST 121 777
26TH ST 139 670
27TH ST 57 279
28TH ST 13 79
Street starts with: