Russell, Kansas Street Address Records

Review all property records on any street in Russell, KS for a description of their property type, lot size, incident histories and address details including a list of residents with phone numbers.

3809 properties found in Russell, KS Learn more about real estate prices, residents and much more at RadioAwards Address Directory.

Street starts with:

45 streets starting with 1..9 found

Street Properties Residents
1ST ST 75 269
2ND ST 104 401
3RD ST 100 373
4TH ST 106 576
5TH ST 105 381
6TH ST 120 318
7TH ST 158 576
8TH ST 32 90
9TH ST 7 9
10TH ST 20 84
11TH ST 18 73
12TH ST 37 123
13TH ST 24 101
14TH ST 27 87
15TH ST 44 220
16TH ST 23 76
17TH ST 15 52
30TH AVE 1 6
70TH AVE 3 10
80TH AVE 2 5
90TH AVE 5 7
120TH AVE 2 3
177TH ST 3 15
178TH ST 6 19
179TH ST 4 12
180TH ST 11 23
181ST ST 16 65
182ND ST 21 56
183RD BLVD 4 11
183RD ST 7 21
184TH BLVD 2 10
184TH ST 27 86
186TH BLVD 4 9
186TH ST 5 19
186TH TER 10 27
187TH ST 14 49
187TH TER 14 36
188TH ST 13 24
189TH ST 11 50
190TH ST 5 6
191ST ST 3 8
220TH RD 7 26
230TH RD 3 12
Street starts with: