Alice, North Dakota Street Address Records

Review all property records on any street in Alice, ND for a description of their property type, lot size, incident histories and address details including a list of residents with phone numbers.

271 properties found in Alice, ND Learn more about real estate prices, residents and much more at RadioAwards Address Directory.

Streets in Alice, ND

Street Properties Residents
1ST AVE 4 12
1ST ST 12 25
2ND AVE 1 1
2ND ST 16 49
3RD AVE 3 6
3RD ST 19 43
4TH AVE 2 2
4TH ST 10 32
5TH AVE 12 18
5TH ST 12 27
6TH AVE 7 20
7TH AVE 4 11
40TH ST 2 6
42ND ST 6 25
43RD ST 10 43
44TH ST 9 46
45TH ST 17 72
46TH ST 10 44
47TH ST 13 42
48TH ST 3 10
119TH AVE 2 9
120TH AVE 1 6
122ND AVE 2 8
124TH AVE 2 16
127TH AVE 4 20
129TH AVE 3 10
130TH AVE 6 27
131ST AVE 2 6
132ND AVE 1 4
133RD AVE 3 6
134TH AVE 1 4
135TH AVE 4 20
136TH AVE 6 21
137TH AVE 2 12
138TH AVE 3 19
139TH AVE 7 27
140TH AVE 5 15
141ST AVE 4 10
142ND AVE 6 32
143RD AVE 2 9
145TH AVE 4 10
147TH AVE 1 1
HIGHWAY 38 12 59